Cadeau de Nature - A Nature's Gift

Sheares Hall Photography Competition 09/10 is open. Every year Sheares Hall Photocomm holds this competition for the shearites to appreciate their photography skills. There is a theme every year and this year's theme is "Cadeau de nature - a nature's gift".

The webiste for the competition is my first "officially" launched website. I learned a lot of PHP and dealt with MySQL for this purpose. Here is the link.

Forgot to mention this was the main reason why i had to prepone my tickets and be back to hall 12 days in advance. After seeing the website up and running I realized I made the right decision. (A great leaning experience). Well people have told me I am workaholic.. if thats so.. so be it!


This is Amulya Khare's blog cum website. You can know more about him by viewing his profile.

Read about his views and ideas on topics that grab his attention.

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Included here are some resources and articles that you might find interesting or helpful.